Stay and Play Registration

Stay and Play Registration
Child & Family Information

Please enter one form for each child. 
For discount information for church members or multiple children - contact Director directly.
Please register my child for: Stay and Play

Please select all that apply.
Please select all that apply.
In the event of an emergency, PCNS staff will use the enrollment information on file for your child.  We will contact parents first. 

If we are unable to contact parents, we will contact the emergency contacts in your child's Brightwheel profile.  Please be sure that information is up to date.
Stay and Play Fees Information:

Payment Information for Stay and Play:  $25 per day.
Payment made via Brightwheel App Attendance Charged bi- weekly.

Late fee - if your child is picked up later than 3:15, you are considered late.  Late fees apply after 3:15 - cost is $15.


Stay and Play Registration